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Dorset DG 601 GM Digital Door Locks

Dorset DG 601 GM Digital Door Locks



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Brand: Dorset
Model: Dorset DG 601 GM Digital Door Locks
DG 601 GM Digital Door lock is one of the most important security products in our collection. It's what keeps your home or business safe from harm. We've got a variety of locks for every need, whether it's to keep intruders out or to keep your little ones in—or both! We have door handles and knobs, glass hardware, electronic safes, door accessories, and more.Our collection of electronic door locks is so extensive that we won't even try to list them all here. To give you a sense of the range, though, we'll touch on some of our more popular electronic locks and some of the features they incorporate.We specialize in the design and production of a variety of door hardware, including door handles, door locks, lock accessories, security systems and more.Fingerprint ID With this fingerprint recognition system, you can unlock your door with just a few taps on the touchscreen padlock module. This kind of lock is perfect for offices and homes, where there's always a lot of traffic coming in and out.With the rapid development of recent years, the digital door locks have been widely used in our daily life. The electronic door lock is an innovative device which combines the traditional lock with modern technology. It is widely used in office buildings, hotels, apartments, villas and other places. It is the best choice to replace your old lock if you want to add a small amount of intelligence and convenience to your home or office.